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Michael Jones Cargo Cult Club ©"I am the heart and soul of honesty" - Michael JonesHave you searched for sympathy, but found only sorrow? Have you sought salvation, and found only emptiness? Have you craved cargo, only to arrive home to an empty mailbox? Do you hate being in the back of the line? I can help, I am Michael Jones (yes, the Michael Jones French Toast © guy!) and I can grant you a place at the head of the line when the cargo arrives. I have some of the answers to many of the questions you may or may not have asked yourself at one point or another. I am willing to share them with you, if you are willing to share with me... ... when you become a member of the Michael Jones Cargo Cult Club © you will know many joys. The first joy will be the joy of cargo. Cargo delivered directly to your door via a common group who has orginized to help Michael Jones transport his cargo to and fro in little trucks. Praise these cargo carriers and their faith and devotion. The second joy will be of internal lightness and enjoyment occasionally, you will shower praise upon Michael, just like George Washington Santiago Jones, Mrs. of New Jersy when he said... (15:51:45) G.W.S. Jones, Mrs.: I LIKE MICHAEL JONES CARGO CULT CLUB (c) HE IS THE MAN (15:52:05) G.W.S. Jones, Mrs.: HE IS LIKE THE SUN SHINING ON THE WARM GROUND and Michael Jones did speak... (16:00:23) mjccc: i like the way you think there (16:00:36) mjccc: you will be encouraged to make more slogans please to which George Washington Santiago Jones, Mrs. did do reply... (16:00:56) G.W.S. Jones, Mrs.: THANK YOU IT IS A PLEASURE TO PRAISE YOU and then Michael spoke againist unto him... (16:00:57) mjccc: there will be a place at the head of the line when the cargo arrives my son and George Washington Santiago Jones, Mrs. was pleased and made it knowest of his pleasure...
(16:01:35) G.W.S. Jones, Mrs.: I SAT ON MY BAMBOO TOWER SINGING THE SONG OF MICHAEL JONES AND MY FORESKIN GREW BACK TWICE AS LARGE (16:02:44) G.W.S. Jones, Mrs.: WITH MICHAEL JONES THE WORLD IS GREEN AND GOOD AND EVERYONE HAS MICROFARAD CAPACITORS AND GUM and for a mere $23.46 donation you too can have a white tagless tee that Michael Jones has written and /or scribbled a picture on with a black sharpie... all that is asked of you after that will be for you to erect a bamboo faux-radio tower and to praise Michael Jones and Michael Jones Cargo Cult Club © whenever possible... oh, and you must legally (or not, whatever... we're easy) hyphenate your name with "-Jones". If this is donest, you too shall have claim to the cargo that cometh in the latter days of after today... and it shall be much cargo and the cargo crates will be easy to open and not give splinters or contain anything like millions of cotton balls or other medical supplies that are useless when in such mass quantities... like 10,000 tongue depressers the cargo shall not be... and there will be limited amounts of the canned spiced ham product known as Spam... there will be some Spam, but just enough not to be too much. so sayeth Michael Jones. amen. |